Jakarta – Indonesian Human Rights Watch (Imparsial) senior researcher Al Araf has revealed that there are around 2,500 active TNI (Indonesian Military) soldiers holding civilian positions based on information from the National Resilience Institute (
Documents containing the term 'RUU TNI'

Protesters began gathering at Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM) arts and cultural centre in Cikini on Friday afternoon, February 21, ahead of the climax of the Dark Indonesia actions at the Horse Statue in Central Jakarta.

Jayapura – Student Executive Boards (BEM) from a number of campuses in Jayapura, including the Jayapura University of Science and Technology (USTJ), the Cenderawasih University (Uncen) and the Papua Muhammadiyah University, held a "Dark Indonesia" demonstration on the grounds of the USTJ campus in Abepura, Jayapura city,

Bandung – Hundreds of students held a demonstration in front of the West Java Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) building located on Jalan Diponegoro in Bandung City on Monday February 17.

Jakarta – The Civil Society Coalition has criticised a plan to give more authority to law enforcement institutions such as the National Police (Polri) and the Prosecutors Office, as well as the Indonesian Military (TNI), through three draft laws (RU

Vitorio Mantalean, Bagus Santosa, Jakarta – On September 24, 1999, thousands of students and ordinary people rallied at various locations in Jakarta, including around the Salemba University of Indonesia and the Semanggi Bridge in Central Jakarta.

Jakarta – Students from the Populist All Indonesia Student Executive Council (BEM SI Kerakyatan) brought a pocong (a shrouded corpse or ghost) to an action protesting revisions to the Indonesian Military Law (RUU TNI) and the National Police Law (

Jakarta – The All-Indonesia Student Executive Council (BEM SI) has given a score of 10 out of 100 for the last 10 years of President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo's administration.

Nicholas Ryan Aditya, Ihsanuddin, Jakarta – Forum of Concerned Citizens for Indonesia's Parliament (Formappi) researcher Lucius Karus suspects that the House of Representatives (DPR) is addicted to deliberating and pushing through controversial draft laws (RUU)

Nirmala Maulana Achmad, Aryo Putranto Saptohutomo, Jakarta – Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) Director Muhammad Isnur has questioned why a Presidential Letter (Surpres) on the Draft National Police Law (RUU Polri) has been issued before a problem inventory list (DIM) has been dr

[From an oped piece by Indonesian Human Rights Watch (Imparsial) Director Gufron Mabruri titled "Criticising Revisions to the TNI Law".]

Aryo Putranto Saptohutomo, Jakarta – A statement by TNI (Indonesian military) commander General Agus Subiyanto, who said that currently they are not dwi-fungsi (dual-function) but are multi-functional, is considered wrong because it deviates from t

Ambaranie Nadia Kemala Movanita, Jakarta – The Institute for Public Research and Advocacy (ELSAM) has criticised the plan to give police the authority to conduct wiretaps, which is included in the revisions to the National Police Law (UU Polri).

Thousands of workers from the Confederation of the All-Indonesian Workers Union (KSPSI) and the Indonesian Trade Union Congress Alliance Confederation (KASBI) rallied in front of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) building on Jalan MH Thamrin in Central Jakarta

Fitria Chusna Farisa, Jakarta – The government plans to start the construction of the new capital city (IKN) mega-project "Nusantara" in North Penajam Paser, East Kalimantan, in mid-2022.

Jakarta – The Save Indonesia Action Coalition (KAMI) has sent an open letter to President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo in which they demanded he take serious action against of the resurgence of neo-communism and the “new style” Indonesian Communist Party (PKI).

Jakarta – Participants at Sunday’s “Crush Communism Rally” in Jakarta from organisations such as the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), the 212 Alumni Brotherhood (PA 212) and the National Movement to Safeguard the Indonesian Ulema Council’s Fatwa (GNPF-MUI), read out an anti-communist charter.

Ihsanuddin, Jakarta – President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo will not send a presidential letter (surpres) to the House of Representatives (DPR) signifying its agreement with deliberations on the Draft Law on Pancasila Ideology Guidelines (RUU HIP).

Jakarta – Indonesian Human Rights Watch group Imparsial is asking the government to review the planned involvement of active TNI (Indonesian military) and Polri (Indonesian police) officers in the Agency for Pancasila Ideology Education (BPIP).

Jakarta – Another hammer-and-sickle flag case has again raised its head after a flag with the communist logo was found in Makassar. Over the years such cases have occurred unintentionally, have related to scholarly studies, hoaxes intended to trigger unrests, criminalisation of activists and the revival of identity politics.